Below are a number of events which Churches in the area are making available.
Walk of Witness:
This event is a walk from the United Reformed Church car park to St. Marys Church and starts at 10:30am. The United Reformed Church has kindly offered to provide tea and coffee from 09:45 for folk who gather early.
Saffron Walden Community Church:
Good Friday, 7th April
- Good Friday Reflections at SWCC, 9.30am followed by the Walk of Witness outside URC
- Messy Church, 3.30-5.30pm
Easter Sunday, 9th April
- Easter Celebration and Baptism Service, 10.30am
Our Lady of Compassion:
Palm Sunday: Masses at Sat 6.00pm and Sun 830am & 10.30am
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8.00pm
Good Friday: Service of the Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm
Stations of the Cross at 7.00pm
Holy Saturday: Solemn Easter Vigil Mass at 9.00pm
Easter Sunday: Masses at 8.30am & 10.30am
Salvation Army:

Abbey Lane United Reformed Church:
2nd April: Palm Sunday Intergenerational Service at 10.30am led by Mrs. Faith Paulding
7th April: Walk of Witness leaving from Abbey Lane car park at 10.30. Tea and coffee served in our Hall from 9.45am
9th April: Easter Sunday worship at 10.30am preceded by light breakfast from 9.45am
Saffron Walden Baptist Church:
0930 Good Friday 7 April – Good Friday Reflections (before joining CTSW Walk of Witness
1030 Easter Sunday 9 April – Easter Day Celebration!